Research & Writing
Brief descriptions of my current research and links to past writing.
Current Research
Tornado Science & Storm Chasing
My current research investigates the history of storm chasing in the United States, especially in the period post-WWII, as tornado science ramped up and a culture of storm chasing grew in Tornado Alley. I hope to explore questions about citizen science versus professional and academic research, the ways that we use technology to understand our environment and how those understandings shape our relationship to environment, and the role of local knowledge in these understandings. I also hope to explore questions of risk, class, emotion, and gender through the identity of storm chasers.
Published Writing
Essays and Articles:
Book Reviews:
Review of The Power of Scenery: Frederick Law Olmsted and the Origin of National Parks by Dennis Drabelle, for Southern California Quarterly [Download PDF]
Review of Camping Grounds: Public Nature in American Life from the Civil War to the Occupy Movement by Phoebe S.K. Young, for Journal of Arizona History [Download PDF]
Review of Waters of the World: The Story of the Scientists Who Unraveled the Mysteries of Our Oceans, Atmosphere, and Ice Sheets and Made the Planet Whole, by Sarah Dry, H-Environment Reviews, September 2020.